The, washed & dried, it sits on a rack for 2 or 3 hours, before hanging to air-dry for the next three weeks at maybe 60 F/
Start sharpening those knives.

Coteghino Fasciato
(Spiced Pork Sausage or Cotechino Boiled in a Wrap)
I will not pretend that this is an elegant dish, but rather one for the family, and as such it does the job perfectly well, and indeed you could even serve it to close friends. Speaking of close friends, Giusti says that people who are in a position to do so, should occasionally invite their close friends to get their mustaches greasy at their table. I am of the same opinion, even if the guests will probably proceed to speak ill of you, and of how they were treated.
Skin an uncooked cotechino weighing about 300 grams (about 10 ½ ounces). Take a large, thin cutlet of lean veal or beef weighing between 200 and 300 grams (about 7 and 10 ½ ounces), and pound well. Wrap the cutlet around the cotechino, tie it all up with twine and put on the fire in a saucepan with a bit of butter, some celery, carrot, and a quarter of an onion, all coarsely chopped. Salt and pepper are not necessary, because the cotechino contains plenty of these ingredients. If you plan to use the sauce on a first course of macaroni, add some slices of untrimmed prosciutto or some bacon. When the piece of meat is browned all over, pour in enough water to cover it halfway, and throw in some little pieces of dried mushrooms; simmer slowly until completely cooked. Strain the sauce, but add back the mushrooms, then use the sauce, along with cheese and butter, to season the macaroni. Serve the cotechino as the main course, keeping it wrapped in the cutlet but removing the twine, and garnishing it with a good amount of its own sauce.
It is a good idea to thicken the sauce for the pasta a bit with a pinch of flour. Put the flour in a saucepan with a bit of butter, and when it starts to brown pour in the sauce and boil for a while.
A side dish of carrots goes very well with this dish. First boil the carrots until two thirds done and then finish cooking in the meat sauce.