Sunday, June 1, 2008

Laika, Laika!

Big time at the Toy Theater Festival last evening. Highlights of the finale night for me were Paul Zaloom and Lynn Jeffries' alphabet piece, Peter Schumann's fiddle lecture re the West Bank occupation (which just wasn't a toy theater piece, but it certainly was a fiddle lecture), the absolutely stunning Laika's Coffin by Seth Bockley and Kevn O'Donnell and directed by Frank Magueri,

(in last evening's performance there was entire additional act of scientific tests on Laika before her selection, and there was a full chorus), and the very last act of the evening, The Rag Show.


Jim said...

Hi. Do you know how I might be able to see a video of the Peter Schumann fiddle piece? I saw Peter doing one of his original fiddle pieces here in Knoxville, Tenn. in the 1990s, which was outstanding, and would very much enjoy being able to see his recent performance.


Jim Harb
Knoxville, Tenn.

Steve Lewis said...

Jim, the Great Small Works company put on the festival and they videotaped everything. Don't know what they intend to do with the tapes, but they're the folks to get in touch with.

Knoxville... Did you know that one of the longest pieces of the evening was about a particular summer night in Knoxville in 1915?

Seth said...

Hi Steve. It's Seth from Laika's Coffin. Really glad you enjoyed the show. Thanks for coming out to support the festival!

Steve Lewis said...

Seth, we way more than enjoyed it.

Laika's one of those things that make you want to grab your friends and say, No, really, you have to see this!
Thanks. Red Moon rocks.