Sunday, June 20, 2010

Favorite tool: plumbers' snake

Not many things cause a gag reflex in me.  Large rotting fetid mucilaginous clumps of hair, and needing to grip and pull them from clogged plumbing, are on the short-list.  So, without going into great detail, allow me to say that, after some initial uncontrolled pharyngeal difficulty, it was with relish that I plumbed a dozen feet of spiraling steel coil from my manual hand-spinner through the poorly installed sink and trap and into the century old upstairs drain, yea verily to the 130 year old sailstack, allowing us to shave and brush and freshen up once again without fear of flow and the lack thereof. (Dude remember: never put a quarter inch coil into a pipe of greater than 2 inch diameter.  Bad things can happen.  Cool?  That applies to so many things!)

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