Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lonely as a man without love

Sorry, I have it stuck in my head an need to exorcise it.

D       Bm      Fm   D           Em 
I can remember when  we walked together;
                     A7                  D 
sharing a love I thought would last forever
               Bm      Fm     D        Em 
Moonlight to show the way so we can follow,
                      A7            D 
waiting inside her eyes was my tomorrow
Bm         D    Fm          Em 
Then something' changed her mind, her kisses told me
                   A7    A7     A7      A7 
I had no loving' arms,  to……. hold…….. me 
 D                     A 
Every day I wake up, then I start to break up, 
Em                        G 
lonely is a man without love  
Fm                      Em 
Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out,
  A                         D 
lonely is a man without love 
D                     A 
Every day I wake up, then I start to break up 
Em                         G 
Knowing that it's cloudy above 
Fm                      Em 
Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out, 
A                         D 
lonely is a man without love 
D        Bm         Fm     D            Em 
I cannot face this world that's fallen down on me
                    A7                    D 
So, if you see my girl please send her home to me 
D         Bm       Fm     D 
Tell her about my heart that's slowly  Em dying;
              A7       A7       A7    A7 
Say I can't stop myself …… from…….. cry…….ing 
REPEAT CHORUS X2....END            

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Traveling food comes home

Did I mention we were in Rheinbeck the week before Chelsea hitched?  We were, and at the farmers market there we bought three cheeses:
a fresh pecorino and an aged pecorino from Dancing Ewe, and a blue. we bought from Julia and Isabel of Clermont, but we're not sure who made it.  All delicious. 

And today we just got back from a stay out in Southold and Mattituck, heaven on heaven.  Stopped at one of our favoritest farms on the way home, Sang Lee, where they were selling their ripest tomatoes at half price (ripe and ugly, eat today).  Four pounds of them are on the tray pictured here:
and have been in a slow oven now for about 7 hours.  Gonna come out soon, get a bath in vinegar for a half hour, then get jarred in olive oil for use over the next couple of months, totally intensified.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fictive whiff of fresh air. And grapes.

Somehow, even though it deals with many of the same issues, reading Coetzee's Diary of a Bad Year seems like a whiff of fresh air after reading the very well written The Value of Nothing, by Raj Patel, and A Foreigner Carrying in the Crook of His Arm a Tiny Bomb, by Amitava Kumar.  At heart, I'm still just a fiction boy after all these years.  (Also read the two non-fiction books on various e-readers, and am reading the Coetzee in glorious paper.  See the McSweeney's article Juju pointed us to yesterday: After a Thorough Battery of Tests We Can Now Recommend "The Newspaper" As the Best e-Reader On the Market.)  And, yes, I put Diary in the same red paper cover I had used for Island at The Center of the World.  Thanks for asking.

About the grapes: yesterday morning at 5 AM I was out back and smooshed some while I was walking around and realized that I was surrounded with the smell of ripe grapes.  Woof.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

NY Pub Adv re Target - yowza

Bill de Blasio: Public Advocate for the City of New York
For a retailer that prides itself on being socially responsible, Target is throwing its money behind some troubling political causes. That makes them our first “Outrage of the Week”—our way of shining a light on the worst cases of companies distorting our political process under the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling.

Just last month, we learned that Target donated $150,000 to a group supporting right-wing candidate Tom Emmer for Governor of Minnesota. Emmer is a fierce opponent of same-sex marriage and a big booster of Arizona’s new immigration laws. In the past, he even introduced a law that would result in sex offenders being chemically castrated.

On Tuesday, our office teamed up with to protest Target’s election spending right in front of the retailer’s flagship store in Brooklyn. We had a simple message: hands off our democracy.
Target is one of the first corporations to spend money on elections following Citizens United ruling, and unless we send them a strong message, it won’t be the last.

Take action to keep companies like Target from tampering with our elections:
We have 84 days until November’s election—now is the time to teach Target a lesson before other companies follow their example.

Stay tuned for our next Outrage of the Week.
Thank you,

Matt Wing
Communications Director
Office of the Public Advocate

Brooklyn’s Finest: Gilbert Moore

Nice post by Nitasha Kawatra on the Brooklyn Museum blog about Gilbert Moore, who runs the museum's freight elevator. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nice things continue to happen to the streets around us

The placard on the planter says, This platform is public space and is not restricted to the patrons of any particular business.  Please watch your step.  And I love that.  The construction of the platform, narrowing of the traffic lanes, putting in the parking bumpers and placing the furniture and planters all happened in a whiz-bang week.  There's some irony to the placement of this piece of public good with dwindling tax dollars, for those of you who can recognize the building behind it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Untitled video on Lynne Stewart and her conviction, the law and poetry (2006)

I post so little lately that it seems like too much to track back through all of the readings and thoughts that gets me here, but here I am.  Paul Chan's "Untitled video on Lynne Stewart and her conviction, the law and poetry (2006)".

I will say that the tag I've tagged this with, "stand up and say something", are words I heard Lynne Stewart speak, back in the environy days, leading to the wars of our worlds.  If I remember right, she also said, "Make noise!"