Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ridge Shinn Applewood, woof

Wella, wella, wella.  Ag brondo, skiddlies, umph shpendo ob pleeblingt mitten nowbst closen friendiska Mikie Mike y Pammy Pam, morden dinkin oomp shtoofin boeuf den gott.  And what was with that bull-shot thing Jonathan concocted - beef bouillon and vodka and horseradish and god knows what else.  And, uh, bone marrow in the chestnut pudding?  Rendered beef fat in the pie crust?  O Devon beeve, I am not worthy.  Bestest mostest, Ridge Shinn's talk, of Hardwick Beef and the whole grass fed effort.  Stand up, folkies, you are what you eat and (as Michael Pollen is fond of pointing out) you are what what you eat eats, and if that animal you eat eats shit poison, there you are.  Thank you, Dave and Laura.  Fantabulous.

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