Hey, skidoodle, apropos that oddball BAM thing we're going to this evening I was cruising about the web and came across this 1861 Vanity Fair article about - begorah - that brand new Opera House in Brooklyn. Same one we're heading to this evening, my dear.
Brooklyn is at the other end of the Fulton Ferry, and it is usually worth two cents to go there. It is dangerous to stay too long in Brooklyn, as there is no telling what might happen to you. Mr. HENRY WARD BEEOHER attends to the place andkeeps it from going to seed. He is said to be in the interest of the Union Ferry Comnpar; if it were not for that he would in all probability live on this side of the East River like other people. Somewhere or other about the place there is, or was an Opera House, without a great deal of opera...
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