Friday, May 15, 2009

methinks we all have wondered why it seems so...

obvious, the incredible amount of idiocy and non-critical thought that permeates our culture of late. By way of Phayrngula (via Akkam's Razor) an introduction to Charles Pierce's Idiot America.

an Immediate Moment Edit:
link to original essay here

mebbe mo' later...

Yea, Verily! as threatened (!) earlier,
this next via the wily codger behind the curtain
at G. Coale's weblog thingie,
Joe Bageant's Escape from the Zombie Food Court


Steve Lewis said...

OK, read Bageant's article, and it prompted me to buy his Deer Hunting with Jesus. But, just so you know, I cannot find a reference for his assertion about prozac in penguin urine. (Though I have now read that 3% of the arctic's ice is made of penguin urine, and that a polar bear can eat up to 86 penguins in one sitting: all sounds a little fast and loose.)

juju pongo said...

methinks yea,
mebbe a little fast and loose,
and taking his lead from the plethora of these kinds of stories

mmmmm mmmm mmmmmm,
penguin urine,
every bit as effective as a double dose of prozac!