Monday, June 29, 2009

goshdarnitall, who'd a'thunk it?

the staying power of Don't Stop Believing,
courtesy L.A. Times online.

btw, s'too late for ju ju,
he stopped believing on December 8, 1980...

we don' need no steenkin' kindle...
thanks to wily ol' fox Gordon C.


Steve Lewis said...

OK, sue me. I don't know the song by name, I didn't watch the Soprano's episode (or any other Soprano's episode), don't have a clue what Glee is, and didn't see the Wedding Singer. How do I live!? But I'm guessing that when I imeem it, I'll know the tune. But maybe not. All JbOoUsRtNoEnY songs sound kinda alike to me.

juju pongo said...

you so much mo bettah off, bruddah, and yea, verily, that band's sfuff all sounda da same...