Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I really just can't talk about this redding thing

Somewhere between $90,000,000 and $140,000,000 gets you 50,000 votes more than $9,000,000.  I bet that causes the spender some mixed feelings.

Anyway, right here in the hood, I'm way happy for Bill de Blasio and Brad Lander.  (Brad, update the site - you won!)  And for the health of both the NYC Dems and Working Families Party.

(I'm linking to the Post from the map, though it's a Times graphic.  You know, I tried real hard to find a link on the NYT site to the full NY election results, and couldn't - had to back into it from Google news searches.  Then I grabbed the graphic and altered it for posting and had to go through the Google search again and the Post results came up higher, etc.)

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