Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What's Dante Oblimov doing at facebook?

D.O.'s been poking his imaginary self around facebook, and sucking down hours of my time doing it. We be older than dirt and don't know about nuthin, and the nothin' we don't know is this: makes my skin crawl in the same way that seeing corporate space taking over public space in the physical world makes my skin crawl. A little more loss of the commons. I mean, even here on a Google-owned site they can yank my plug whenever if I cross a line drawn through the user agreement, but fb feels really much more closed in. Smurf-like. Great tools, though. Would take no time to cobble together a nice presence and throb. (Unless you're Dante Oblimov and have to beg people to be your friend. It ain't easy being imaginary. Go help they guy out.)

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