Saturday, January 2, 2010

from a tejano of our acquaintance...

comes this linkybit to share with thee, sort of a welcome to twenteeten as many folk be calling it. Esteban has met and shared a table with the esteemed C J, who oncet upon a time blogged regularly at BookNotes, now busy as one of the wizards behind the curtain of BookLab, out there deep in the heart of texas hillcountry with the fella responsible for sharing the link below, el ultimo dudo laid-backo, G. (for gimme gravy widdem grits...) McLerran. Un Feliz Ano Nuevo a ustedes, tejanos estimados!

y andale pues, chiquitos y chiquititas!, vamos a jugar con

btw, there's a picture of both G & C.J. from '06 via the post you'll find here

1 comment:

Steve Lewis said...

Mississippi Queen! (If you know what I mean.)