Sunday, May 23, 2010

I got bounce

I've been away from baking bread a bit, but got the bug again this morning.  And having just finished Outlaw Cook (Thorne) and being a little ways in to Pot on the Fire, I felt a little freer to follow my natural inclinations rather than following a scale and ratio as I had been when reading Ruhlman.

So, in I dove, and true to my mood I grabbed the drinking glasses I've recently been using instead of measuring cups.  I've learned which glasses are just about a cup, which little spice dishes (I call them eye-cups, in my head)  are a quarter cup.  And I decided I'd use as much water as the flour seemed to want, rather than measuring it at all.  I had let my starter die (or am guessing I did: I haven't feed it in a month and I didn't go look because I didn't want to clean the jar) so I used commercial yeast.  And I did everything by hand rather than by hook or blade.  Last, I decided to bake on my pizza stone and to not add steam to the oven (by tossing water onto a cast-iron skillet in the bottom of the stove - it' hell on the skillet and it scorches my eyeballs).

I guess what.  I got bounce!  Big whoppin' cross-splitting bounce.  Hadn't been seeing that in my bread.  Was it the stone?  Better kneading?  Not steaming?  The weather?  My mood?  Not splurting my energies out into posting?  Now I just want to have grilled cheese and wine in the back yard for dinner.

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