Friday, October 31, 2008
Dying speeches I hope not to make on Wednesday
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Where to spend Nov 4... The Gate?

Where to spend Nov 4... Barbes?
We'll be showing election results all night on our big screen in the back room.
We assume it should be a joyful party, although we wrong last time. Very wrong.
Where to spend Nov. 4... Galapagos?
Maybe, Galapagos?
Tuesday, November 4th, 6pm $10
Obama Fabulous Galapagos Art Space
Election Party!
So what are we doing for election night?
So far - besides projecting the results live - we're deciding between a 14 piece orchestra and an over the top really really fun "Yes we Can-Can!" Can can night. Or both. And then of course we'll have our Brooklyn-famous Presidential kissing booth and since it will be such a fun night we'll have a 'doctor' here signing "absentee explanation notes" for those who will undoubtedly arrive late to work the next day. And - just to add an extra dose of fabulous splendor to the night - we think Santa will make a special appearance.
once tuesday gets past us...
re that palin person:
in Mc Cain's own words;
and revisiting a topic we mentioned hereabouts previously,
results from the East Bay Express' S. Palin Song Contest
& the submissions (be they audio, video, whatever...) here
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What I want to say but can't stay awake long enough to is, Now my 1986 is complete.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Vinous involvement

Ufta, went AWOL there for a few days while we immersed ourselves in winemaking and asthma.
Steal back your vote. Mine, too.

Friday, October 24, 2008
the weekend approacheth...
first off, a coupla things from the local fishwrap:
whoa. differences btwn page layout in the paper and some lazy ass web editor has the answers provided first in the page linked below
Test your economic meltdown IQ;
and be sure to visit D. Asmussen's Bad Reporter today.
via the wonder that is the clusterflock,
Crunking we can believe in.
and if ye were not already aware of this,
here's the NYT's endorsement of the democratic candidate
alongside recent column by M. Dowd, Moved by a Crescent.
lastly, for the moment at least, the Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009
Judge bans Mongols from wearing trademark logo
"If a Mongol is wearing a vest or jacket bearing the Mongols patch, that item is pursuant to seizure based on this order," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Welk.
It is believed to be the first case in the nation in which the government has sought to take control of a gang's identity - via its logo - through a court order.
Opie! Bam Bam!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
a handful of nuggets of linky goodness...
courtesy that marvel that is MetaFilter: Buy-ology Blue;
Umbrella Today?, by way of Bifurcated Rivets;
lovely slideshow via flickr;
How to Make Fougasse, thanks to C. Corrigan & his Parking Lot;
two words: whiskey river
Otay Spanky!
dat be enuf fa now....
Uke lust: Kepasa Little Mac
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Straining, straining...
David Sedaris is not undecided

"To put them [undecided voters] in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”
"To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
be very afraid...;
courtesty the wee marvel that is Gordon Coale's weblog
early here on the left coast yet...
donuts for hope...
for some goshdarned crazy reason, great old tune been running constantly in my head since hangin' out the laundry early this Am, my memory of it coming from Frank Sinatra's version, tho' there be plenty of 'em out there, but the song itself, truly one of the great tunes of all time, All or Nothing at All...
some controversy brewing in a town familiar with same,
'Berkeley Big People' making locals go "ugh-ly!"...
in that article is mention of statue on S.F.'s Market St by
Stephen de Staebler, a piece yourstruly has ambled by & admired many a morning on our way to work oncet upon a time;
a picture of 'Angel" available within this page
Holy Boy!
dis seems a lot more like the version of that Sinatra tune me recalls so fondly, Xtra added linky bonus: Frankie Chords!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Elections: hacked versus flubbed

Zazzle fizzle
Result: Not ApprovedSkank. Will resubmit it as BAM BAM CATS. The underlying images are PD.
Policy Violations:
--- Incorporates the name or likeness of a current or former world leader or politician, or a local, regional, national or international leader, religious figurehead, or politician.
--- Parodies an underlying copyright or trademark including well recognized brands, logos, titles, or phrases.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Anyway, Socks I've never mentioned. He's been in the hood longer than we have, and you'll often see him shambling down the avenues and streets, a little slack-jawed, in and out of storefronts, offering up packages of cotton crew socks, white and black, always seeming a little shocked that you don't want to buy any. But this afternoon I was taking an espresso break in Colson's when Socks came in, offering his wares to both sides of the counter, and I do believe I witnessed a transaction involving Socks, one hipster counter guy, one pack of black crew (or maybe tube?), and four beautiful fresh baked croissant. Everybody happy.
The great adventure

Photo from the Academy of Achievement - A Museum of Living History.
What I talk about when I talk about coughing

So, I'm reading a section where Murakami's talking about what he thinks about when he's running, and it's very, very familiar to me. It's my good mode when I'm not actively involved in something useful (and maybe half the times when I am). My other mode is brooding (also known as thinking), and that usually sucks. To whit:
I'm often asked what I think about when I run. Usually the people who ask this have never run long distances themselves. I always ponder the question. What exactly do I think about when I', running? I don't have a clue.
On cold days I guess I think a little about how cold it is. And about the heat on hot days. When I'm sad I think a little about sadness. When I'm happy I think a little about happiness. As I mentioned before, random memories come to me too. And occasionally, hardly ever, really, I get an idea to use in a novel. But really, as I run, I don't think much of anything worth mentioning.
I just run. I run in a void. Or maybe I should put it the other way: I run in order to acquire a void...
Worm grunting maverick NYT mashup

Front page photo Michael Conroy/Associated Press. Article Worm Grunting: A Mystery Solved, by Henry Fountain
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Of course, some people do go both ways
NYT profile of Christopher Buckley by Sheryl Gay Stoleberg.
Andrew Sullivan pointing to Steven Waldman writing about Obama's social conservatism (no free love).
(Buckley's post on his leaving National Review. "[T]he only thing the Right can’t quite decide is whether I should be boiled in oil or just put up against the wall and shot. Lethal injection would be too painless.")
Friday, October 17, 2008
Who funny
(OK, I watched. Pretty funny. He gets kinda weird in the 2nd 3rd, I think, but pretty funny.)
My friend Bill Ayers
Tom Tresh dies

Tom Tresh dies, and so does a little piece of my childhood. I still remember the early 60's Yankees better than the 2008 Yankees. (AP Photo - Tresh & Al Downing.)
Bam Bam: Swahili for "That One"
Thursday, October 16, 2008
greetings from the left coast pt II
7th San Francisco International Documentary Festival
and co-inkydinky mention of Saffron Gourmet on Solano Ave;
the mainline fishwrap provides winter sustenance with timely piece on chili & fixins, a visit to Albany's Solano Ave (nearby chez Juju),
& suggestion for No. California getaway destination;
& Daily Online, Weekly in Print, we present to thee,
The Berkeley Daily Planet...
greetings from the left coast...
passed along to me from dear pals JaneyKakes & Phillipe:
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 12:23:38 PM
Subject: Obama spots by Bob and Noni
Noni and I wrote and directed two independent pro-Obama spots, which you can view using the links below. Turn your sound up, and if the links don't work try copying them into your browser one at a time. The spots are called Prayer and Game, and they're 30 seconds each.
This grew out of a grassroots effort of a bunch of women sitting down in someone's living room, who gave themselves the informal name of Mamas for Obama. No need to call us, just spread the word by forwarding these links. This is a viral campaign.
Bob & Noni
Mamas for Obama video numero uno, Prayer
Mamas for Obama video numero dos, Game
Oh, and there's a group raising money to air some of these spots (including one or both of ours) in local cable markets in swing states. You can give any amount by going to this web site:
mamas for obama
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm still voting for Bam Bam, even though he's my Glass Booth #3
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"I'm very, very pleased to be cleared of any legal wrongdoing, any hint of any kind of unethical activity there. Very pleased to be cleared of any of that."
--Sarah Palin, phone interview with Alaska reporters, October 11, 2008.
"Sarah Palin has insisted that a formal investigation into the "Troopergate" controversy in Alaska has exonerated her of "unlawful or unethical" activity. The Republican vice-presidential pick has told critics to read the report by an investigator appointed by the State Legislative Council to determine whether she had abused her power as Alaska governor to push for the firing of a state trooper formerly married to her sister. But the report's finding that Palin breached the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act is very clear."
Monday, October 13, 2008
approaching mid october...
enjoyed wee neighborhood block party yesterday afternoon, avoiding mine own usual habit of hieing myself elsewhere and avoiding social occasions, turned out pretty nicely and managed to meet other longtime residents of the 'hood. A pleasant time was had by all (and my ersatz jamabalaya was a big hit..)
checking out the NYT on a monday morning and lookee here what I found: mention of Shopsin's which I thought had relocated or perhaps gone the way of the dodo. Yourstruly first came upon mention of the joint in a new yorker piece by C. Trillin way back in April '03 (check out link on 4.11 of that ol' d'monkey page, and damn, ain't it nice to know Kenny S. still at it after all these years...
Yo, Krugster!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
...His most brilliant rope-a-dope of the entire campaign was against Bill Clinton in the spring. In a newspaper interview, Obama cited Ronald Reagan as the last transformational president. He didn’t mention Clinton. The former president was offended by being implicitly dissed, took the bait and unleashed a series of unwise public scoffs at the young Democrat, culminating in a dismissal of Obama as another Jesse Jackson. Suddenly, black Democrats abandoned Clinton’s wife, and the Clintons’ base collapsed. Obama merely stepped out of the way as the Clintons self-destructed. He didn’t just end their campaign; he helped to bury their reputation.Andrew Sullivan at (London) TimesOnline.
And that’s exactly how Obama has handled McCain...
(Of course, Foreman came back, went through dark times but then made a complete personal transformation. The Clintons and McCain are welcome to do the same. I figure Bam Bam will be in his second term by then.)
Ne te quaesiveris extra

(Ne te quaesiveris extra... unless you have to.)
Bittman (last year) at TED
And, hey, how about all those TED videos!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Si se puede
What better thing to do right now while we're down in the mud than remember why so many folks supported Barack Obama from so early on? (Yes, you've seen it. It made the rounds 8 months ago. See it again. Show it to Mom, Dad, Uncle Pete and Little Junior. Surf's up.)
When a crumudgeon points to something hopeful...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
tired o' seein' mine own last post here...
Sarah Palin songwriting contest by local weekly, East Bay Express, who, by happy coincidence, is publishing a story this week about item previously mentioned hereabouts, Have Steam, Will Travel;
Esquire magazine endorses Barack Obama;
economists favoring Obama candidacy;
and coming soon to your local PBS station, The Choice 2008...
here a wee bit of dialogue from workplace e-bulletin board:
I'm no fan of either candidate, just for the record. But I am tired of hearing what a moron, old geezer, or whatever Senator McCain is - yet there seems to be no critical examination of Senator Obama, at least not in this forum. Obama is not squeaky clean and faultless either. His past associations with questionable characters are a concern. The fact that he has little national political experience is also a concern. The fact that he has no executive experience and is the most liberal democrat in the senate is a concern. I have no illusion who will win the election, but I would urge everyone to at least critically examine who Senator Obama really is before they cast their vote.
juju's response-
there's likely something most of us have experienced in our lives, choices we've made, alliances we have formed, that we'd prefer to keep from closer scrutiny, but ultimately we all hope to be judged by our conduct and ethical bearing overall. Yes, absolutely, one can only make an informed choice by looking as closely as possible at the character, bearing and background of the two candidates we've to choose from, and while I do indulge in the occasional slinging of verbal invective at the GOP candidate (and, yes, in my not so humble opinion, deservedly so) I am aware that the democratic candidate is not without flaws. Nonetheless, I feel (and speak for myself only here) entirely confident that in terms of the choice we have to make in less than a month, the person I want to see as president is Barack Obama. I believe the GOP ticket is a disaster in the making, and after the last eight years, a disaster I would prefer not to have to live through.
and for wading through that, here is your reward, from Jezebel,
Donna Bazile is NOT going to the back of the bus...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
please, me begging you, please Please PLEASE...
Antonia Juhasz: 'Tyranny of Oil' Is A Grave Threat;
also an excerpt there of her book, The Tyranny of Oil: The World's Most Powerful Industry — and What We Must Do to Stop It.
extra added linky goodness:
A. Juhasz interviewed by Amy Goodman at Democracy Now!;
and maybe, coming soon to your neighborhood.
Thrift (1)

Backchannelling Macinwi

Why dunt Macinwi post hisself insteadda sembding it to me I dunno buts:
- History of presidents who have had the most positive effect on the economy (Capitol Hill Blue)
- The link to the Keating / McCain video that was over on the right column for a while.
Monday, October 6, 2008
good for monkeys!
but they're taking away jobs from humans!
and jessferdahalibut-
here's Christopher Walken reciting Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven.
una cosa mas, for today.
one of the best at this weblogging business, and has been worthy of lengthy repeated perusals for all of the eight years he's been at it. Happy Anniversary to Mark W. &
his wood s lot
Park Slope (11215) oral histories wanted
Oral History Subjects Needed: The Civic Council is looking for older Park Slope lifers (or near-lifers) whose stories we can save for future generations. They will be interviewed this fall by students at the Secondary School for Research at John Jay, working with professionals from the Urban Memory Project and the Brooklyn Historical Society (BHS). The interviews will be recorded and videotaped, posted on the PSCC and BHS websites, and archived as a trove of Park Slope history. Send us names of possible subjects as soon as possible!Nominees' names should go to editor at
The sharia plan: proof positive that Sarah Palin is the Manchurian Candidate, and John McCain is not
There are ZERO two word anagrams in English for John McCain.
There is ONE two word anagram in English for Barack Obama - and that would be, of course,
- maraca kabob.
There are TWO two word anagrams in English for Joseph Biden - both a little shady:
- jibed phones
- jibes phoned
- jibed one
- jibed eon
- be joined
- jibe node
- jibe done
- piranha las
- piranhas la
- alpha rains
- alpha ranis
- phrasal ani
- alphas rani
- alphas rain
- ashlar pain
- lanai harps
- lanai sharp
- lanais harp
- anal parish
- saran phial
Who fat?

My contribution to the cause will be to chart the number of words used by the candidates in each of the debates. I didn't do the first presidential, but did do the VP. (Sassy decisively beat Joe on word count.) Will post.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Shameless promotion: James Guido, Advocate Life Care
(PS: am still sitting out at the stoopsale - we've now set free the decopage mirror.)
Block party, folks
No - just good local fun. Our second black party of the year here on 11th Street 6th/7th 11215. Having a stoop sale right now - have already sold a Johnson mandolin to a guitarist down the block who's thinking maybe he can branch out a bit, a big suitcase, a mask, a bicycle helmet, a handbag, a folding beach chair, a magnum of not-so-good amarone. Still have some antique lamps, a wooden mantelpiece, a bunch of vases, a decoupage mirror, more luggage, some cookbooks. Come on over.
Pot luck at 6 PM. I hear the Brooklyn Courier is sending a photographer. I'm hoping big Al makes his Carolina BBQ. I hear R&L are making their paella. Coming over?
The cars are gone. Everyone's decompressing just a bit. Let's break out a couple of bottles of the home-made, why dontcha?
Friday, October 3, 2008
a few words about the republican candidate...
Make-Believe Maverick;
kinda makes me feel all sick & queasy,
reminds me a lot of the waste of space currently in office...
Thursday, October 2, 2008
In the newspapers I read, the supreme court decisions that have been, effectively, the Achilles heel of the president of the senate, have been:
A few things.
Winking? How many times? Four times I know I shouted when it happened.
Achilles heel. She doesn't know what the term means. Achilles heel and Bush Doctrine. Funny coincidence. For me, a coincidence too: a few years back I found myself a little obsessed with the Iliad, read a number of versions of it. The Rage of Achilles (Fagels translation):
"Achilles, dear to Zeus...
you order me to explain Apollo's anger,
the distant deadly Archer? I will tell all.
But strike a pact with me, swear you will defend me
with all your heart, with words and strength of hand.
For there is a man I will enrage - I see it now -
a powerful man who lords it over all the Argives,
one the Acheans must obey... A mighty king
raging against an inferior, is too strong.
Even if he can swallow down his wrath today,
still he will nurse the burning in his chest
until, sooner or later, he sends it bursting forth.
Consider it closely, Achilles, will you save me?"
Whatever. And I've finally made it to the epilogue of Woodward's book and am free at last to move on. Damn him for making Bush seem, uh, human. Ahab, but human. Obsessed with body counts rather than diplomacy, but human. Do it if you can, drag yourself through the book. You might then feel disqualified from any further discussion re the surge - you'll have way too many facts to weigh in easily - but really, that's OK.
And something Biden said toward his closing - "I have never since that moment in my first year questioned the motive of another member of the Congress or Senate with whom I've disagreed. I've questioned their judgment." Woodward gives you everything you need for that equation.
Anyway, having made it to the end of that book this morning and feeling like I needed something engrossing on my way to Galapagos, I jumped into a bookstore & opted for Jose Saramago's Blindness. 10 pages in. Not going to be funny, I can tell already.
But back to the debate: what I wanted to say was that the single most explosive reaction from the young (we could have sired most the folks there - individually, not in total) was something, I don't even know what, Sarah P said about women's rights. Every woman in the place erupted. Plosive and abusive. Woo.
Back to you, Katie.
we blame it on SBCDS...
forgot to mention this in previous post (and we already included one hot news flash therein) for fans of the Guardian, there is now the Guardian America awaiting thy perusal...
sorry to be such a downer...
(me can say worser if me wants to, okay?)
two bits of chewy linky goodness that will make you want to spit up:
(provided us via the marvel that is wood s lot)...
With All Eyes on the Bailout,
House Passes Trillion-Dollar Defense Bill;
if that wasn't tough enough to wrap your tongue around,
Bush, economic crisis, and war.
much much more marvelous stuff there at mark's place,
much of it will lift thy spirits...
this last jessferdahalibut, The Arena via Politico;
archived topics located at the bottom of the current page.
News Flash: HOT off the presses:
New Yorker endorses BamBam
disgusted and scared
- Received a letter yesterday from my bank (JP Morgan Chase) telling me that using their "proven valuation methods" they have determined the value of my apartment is about 50% of what I thought it was worth (and about 50% less than last month's reported sales prices for comparable units in my co-op) and that they were cutting off my home equity line of credit. A good friend and former client of mine, who owns an apartment in an Upper East Side high-rise, got the same letter -- although his apartment has apparently only lost 30% of its value. So, the credit crunch comes home -- quicker than I anticipated and just in time to prevent me from drawing against my HELOC to help pay my kid's school tuition. I am in the process of getting an independent appraisal to appeal this.
- I am in a new role at work, and I now attend a weekly meeting, held Wednesday mornings, of the Internal Comms working group. As we need to distribute memos and such regarding any changes to banking regulations, etc., the director of this group was briefing us (five Americans, two Swiss) on the then upcoming Senate vote on the financial bailout. The director said it was likely that the Senate would pass the legislation, mused about what the House might do when they brought the bill back for another vote, and the actually told the people in the room that she didn't know whether the House had to pass the bill in order for it to be signed into law. When I told her that both bodies of Congress need to approve a bill before it can be presented to the President for his signature, she asked whether there weren't some mechanism for the Prez to authorize the Senate to override any House vote in this time of emergency.
Funky funky funky but - chic bikes!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
thank goodness esteban's been picking up the slack...
pssst, ese Stumpy-dude, juju picked up cool t-shirt for ya the other day, mebbe mail it off to thee this weekend...
miscellaneous linky goodness from hither and yon:
3 day competition for alternative fueled vehicles,
Escape from Berkeley;
via the slacktivist, She doesn't care... & that chunka linky goodness came our way via Akkam's Razor;
print up a lot of these and post them all over your neighborhood in time for Thursday's debate: NOPE;
last up here some linkage of a very local nature,
Hardly Strictly Bluegrass be happenin' this weekend,
and meet Country Joe at C.J.'s Coffee House...
and una cosa mas, becuz ye know we love providing ye chewy chunky linky goodness,
lots & lots lovely live music bits at LiveDaily Sessions
now, in the meantime, and we know it be difficult in these very tryin' times, y'all maintain an even strain...