Thursday, October 9, 2008

tired o' seein' mine own last post here...


Sarah Palin songwriting contest by local weekly, East Bay Express, who, by happy coincidence, is publishing a story this week about item previously mentioned hereabouts, Have Steam, Will Travel;

Esquire magazine endorses Barack Obama;
economists favoring Obama candidacy;
and coming soon to your local PBS station, The Choice 2008...

here a wee bit of dialogue from workplace e-bulletin board:

I'm no fan of either candidate, just for the record. But I am tired of hearing what a moron, old geezer, or whatever Senator McCain is - yet there seems to be no critical examination of Senator Obama, at least not in this forum. Obama is not squeaky clean and faultless either. His past associations with questionable characters are a concern. The fact that he has little national political experience is also a concern. The fact that he has no executive experience and is the most liberal democrat in the senate is a concern. I have no illusion who will win the election, but I would urge everyone to at least critically examine who Senator Obama really is before they cast their vote.

juju's response-

there's likely something most of us have experienced in our lives, choices we've made, alliances we have formed, that we'd prefer to keep from closer scrutiny, but ultimately we all hope to be judged by our conduct and ethical bearing overall. Yes, absolutely, one can only make an informed choice by looking as closely as possible at the character, bearing and background of the two candidates we've to choose from, and while I do indulge in the occasional slinging of verbal invective at the GOP candidate (and, yes, in my not so humble opinion, deservedly so) I am aware that the democratic candidate is not without flaws. Nonetheless, I feel (and speak for myself only here) entirely confident that in terms of the choice we have to make in less than a month, the person I want to see as president is Barack Obama. I believe the GOP ticket is a disaster in the making, and after the last eight years, a disaster I would prefer not to have to live through.

and for wading through that, here is your reward, from Jezebel,
Donna Bazile is NOT going to the back of the bus...

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