Tuesday, October 21, 2008

early here on the left coast yet...

here at the j - o - b wit my coffee and donut, that comestible reminding mineowndamnedself of effort by Beth B, another hardworking drone here at nonopress,
donuts for hope...

for some goshdarned crazy reason, great old tune been running constantly in my head since hangin' out the laundry early this Am, my memory of it coming from Frank Sinatra's version, tho' there be plenty of 'em out there, but the song itself, truly one of the great tunes of all time, All or Nothing at All...

some controversy brewing in a town familiar with same,
'Berkeley Big People' making locals go "ugh-ly!"...
in that article is mention of statue on S.F.'s Market St by
Stephen de Staebler, a piece yourstruly has ambled by & admired many a morning on our way to work oncet upon a time;
a picture of 'Angel" available within this page

Holy Boy!
dis seems a lot more like the version of that Sinatra tune me recalls so fondly, Xtra added linky bonus: Frankie Chords!


Steve Lewis said...

Oh, my god, and now I'm totally into That's Life. (Really puts a point on why I'm a 3 chord folkie.)

juju pongo said...

JuJu Be (ha!) berry berry fonda three chords muziks TOO !
checka dis out:
three chords