Saturday, October 4, 2008

Block party, folks

Kids, a quick break away from the decidedly less cheery posts of the last few days. Nothing about the septuagenarian Republican candidate thinking with his flagpole. OK. Nothing about the masters of the universe not understanding the thing they've created. (Or maybe they're just good with the outcome?)

No - just good local fun. Our second black party of the year here on 11th Street 6th/7th 11215. Having a stoop sale right now - have already sold a Johnson mandolin to a guitarist down the block who's thinking maybe he can branch out a bit, a big suitcase, a mask, a bicycle helmet, a handbag, a folding beach chair, a magnum of not-so-good amarone. Still have some antique lamps, a wooden mantelpiece, a bunch of vases, a decoupage mirror, more luggage, some cookbooks. Come on over.

Pot luck at 6 PM. I hear the Brooklyn Courier is sending a photographer. I'm hoping big Al makes his Carolina BBQ. I hear R&L are making their paella. Coming over?

The cars are gone. Everyone's decompressing just a bit. Let's break out a couple of bottles of the home-made, why dontcha?

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