Monday, March 23, 2009

The disappointing meal

You know when you make dinner and it's just not that good? I hate that. Happened last night and it's still bothering me.

I was making a simple dish - a bunch of veg diced 1/4 inch (eggplant, zucchini, yellow pepper, celery, red onion), roasted, then sauteed in butter, add some chives, and mix it all with some whole wheat pasta - but I was following someone else's method, roasting the veg at a lower heat & for shorter than I would have on my own, and when it just wasn't turning out, instead of adjusting, I slavishly followed on. So the veg didn't roast enough, then didn't break down enough while sauteing, and I would up with more of a chunky-veg-relish-thing than a chunky sauce.

Why didn't I just slow it down and follow my eyes and nose and taste? Sheesh.

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