Monday, March 23, 2009

Sigh. Great sauce. Meat dry. WInchester Cathedral.

I thought I'd make up for last evening's disappointment by making Bittman's dish-o'-the-day, pork clay pot. Let me tell you, the sauce was delish. Double delish. But in a hurry I couldn't get any pork shoulder and went with some chops that were too lean, so even though there was plenty of liquor in the pot, they dried out. I was a little disappointed, but not like last night. After dinner I went rumaging through hooch hutch, found two bottles of the same porto (thank you, RR), both three quarters empty, decided to combine them to make a little shelf room and, oops, filled a wee glassy for my troubles. Well, the chile and ginger from the sauce, the dinner wine, the we dram afterward, the small disappointment of the dry pork, the lingering hurt of last night's dinner... and I found myself singing. Singing Winchester Cathedral. Huh.

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