Monday, March 16, 2009

Tobacco, where have you been

It's been a bad past year, breathing wise, requiring drugs and instilling something between caution and fear. But the last month has been suddenly better, and this last weekend I was able to ride bikey w/out xopenex, and this evening after making wild rice w/ baby bok choy and broccolini (t) (sku 3277) (hurts me just to type that word, but it tastes good) and cutting the backbone out of a chicken (I use a cleaver, not a sissor, and I leave the keel bone in) and rubbing the s(k)in side with a voodoo of cumin, corriander, allspice, ginger, salt, cayenne, black pepper and a sassy sweet paprika-like powder and doing it up at 425 for about 40 minutes, and drinking most of a bottle of Almira Los Dos grenache syrah blend... Where was I? Oh, after that, and Lorishki and me chatting about the day's challenges and Lorishki going upstairs to bathe, I thought... C O H I B A. And yes, with my newly recovered lungs and the last of the Los Dos I grabbed one of the little Cohibas I still have stashed away from the last Paris trip, and in the dark of the back yard, hoodie up, I did smoke that little beauty. And it was good.

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