Sunday, December 13, 2009

Double liver tonight makes up for the past

The only meat we don't regularly buy from farmers who come to our farmers' market is chicken - me wants that fresh young bird longer and deeper into the year, not just autumn roasters and winter stewers, and so we buy Murray's at a grocer or butcher.

A few months back I bought a Murray's bird, and when I went to clean it and divvy it up... whassup?  No neck or liver or heart or nuthin'!  A mix-up at the farm?  Hanky-panky at the supermarket?  I didn't cry... but close.

Late this afternoon when our weekend guests got picked up to be taken off to JFK, we decided to go shop for dinner.  Bought a Murray's bird, and as I was prepping it.  Whoa!  Mega!  Two necks, two sets of gizzards, livers, and everything!  I immediately set about doing up the livers with itty-bitty dice of red onions, then I chopped that greeny pinky brownie meat and salted it and set aside as the chef's reward.  (Lota is repulsed, but I swoon.)

Now, laddies and lassies, let me say, it was worth suffering through that dark day of cooking this late summer or early autumn, liverless, to get to this bonanza.

But just this once.  OK?

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