Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dear Diary, 080518

It all comes slowly together.
First, that frightening fiend Milady Clarick is dead.  I feel good about that.  I don't know how I feel about D'Artagnan's later friendship with Rochefort (epilogue), but, whatever, I'll get over it.  I wasn't quite over Dumas, though, so I downloaded one of his true-crime pieces, his biographical sketch of Karl Ludwig Sand who murdered August von Kotzebue, about whom and which I previously knew absolutely nothing, and expect to forget everything in a year or so.

Sand / Kotzebue / murder / revolution isn't so relaxing, so I went looking for further diversion.  Lori reminded me that alternate side of the street parking is going to be suspended in Park Slope for a few months.  Neither the Times articles (& the 2nd article) and the DOT site say anything about why the amazing boon of a neighborhood-wide multi-month suspension is happening rather than simply a block-by-block changeover to the new rules.  Printing new signs?  Ahem.  Have I mentioned before that I live on the same block as my City Councilman here in Park Slope CB6, who would like to be the next Borough President of Brooklyn ?  Why, Bill had an open-house meet & greet just this weekend...

One of the NT articles reminded me of Calvin Trillin and Tepper Isn't Going Out, which I kindled last night.  Now I'm happy.  I love the way he takes the piss out of that nut who used to be the il Duce of NY, Amerika's mayor, and thought he'd be the Republican nominee for president this year.

But wait, here's where it all comes together:  
Chapter 4, in which Tepper is parked across the street from Russ & Daughters, and the discussion turns to whitefish, a nice whitefish, just like the whole smoked whitefish I bought there last week and took to my Bro's for Mothers' Day brunch.  It was delicious. 

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