Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dear diary, 080629

Odd weekend. Saw most of an Elvis Perkins set Friday, and we would have loved to stay for the whole of it (Lori's been a fan; I'm a newbee) but for the teenage crowd (there largely to socialize, or maybe hanging on for the Cold War Kids?) and the old blowhard sitting behind us, shining his apple real hard and loud and trying to impress the younger boys with it. Saturday we listened to much of a Wingdale Community Singers set while sipping at the Barbes bar.

Rained on and off like a banshee the last two days, once so hard that the roof drains were all overflown and I got out there in my shorts to pop the grate before the kitchen ceiling flooded (again) and did pop it and the water started sucking down, but MAN OH MAN that was a cold bitchin' rain on a merciless hot day and I took to shivering so hard I barely squoze back in the window.

And somewhere in there I read Simenon's La Tête d'un homme. Yowza.

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