Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This is what (50, democracy, your brain) looks (or sounds) like (sometimes modified by a mind altering substance or event)

Funny, I almost posted yesterday about Gloria Steinem's famous This is what 50 looks like remark along with the marching chant This is what democracy sounds like, but I was too pooped. Then Lori told me that GS was on TV explaining that Hillary's defeat was due to sexism, not addressing Hillary & her campaign's behavior and tone over the last year. The segment explaining that Rome's collapse was due to lead pots was apparently not aired or archived on CNN.

Hey, I'm reading Scott McClellan's What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception. About a quarter of the way through. Scott, I'll call him bubala, seems very sincere and pretty boring. Way right of you and me, left of where the Bushies turned out, and either suicidal or really driven by conscience. Anyway, bubala talks a good deal about the mindset of the permanent campaign and the replacement of governance with the altering of public opinion. He spreads the blame. But he also talks about how, pre shrub, the Clintons were the absolute masters of attack and psy-ops. (He thinks they've been bested by the current administration).

Personally, I'd always resisted of thinking of the Clinton administration that way - and I wonder if this was pure partisanship on my part. I mean, how likely is it that the ugliness they've shown in the past year is genuinely new? Depressed me to think of what judgements I might be setting aside in the interest of supporting the home team.

Anyway, here's the synopses of my thinking this last year:
Who is Obama? I like him, but do you vote for someone because you like him? Maybe you vote for someone you like if you believe he or she will uphold the platform of the party. The one thing I absolutely do not want is another president half the country hates. Please, Lordy, no more sick divisiveness. I start giving Bam Bam lots of fond nicknames, a sure sign. The only D I'm liking less than H right now is Lieberman. H slips below Lieberman. I have a dream that Larry Olivier has a dentist's drill in his hand and I am Dustin Hoffman and I'm strapped into the chair and screaming and Larry rips his own face off and underneath is Hillary's face.

1 comment:

mel said...

Wow, I guess I always resisted thinking about the Clintons that way, too -- at least once they were actually in office. But it's impossible to repress those kinds of thoughts when watching Primary Colors -- ever see it? I'd love to see Joe Klein cook up a sequel about Hil's campaign.