Free Culture Game from Molleindustria. Really, you must play this. Via Rhizome.
"IN her 19 years as a corrections officer on Rikers Island, Barbara Williams has been trapped in a mess hall with rioting inmates and thrown against an iron gate by a man twice her size who left her with a fractured shoulder. But nothing makes her wince like remembering the time an inmate commented on the way her hips swayed ever so slightly beneath her boxy blue uniform, back when she first came on the job."
hey uncle steve have fun and see if obama wins!!!! slap mckain silly!!!!!Which is pretty much the same intention Frank Rich expresses in his op-ed piece today:
The question is why would a man who forever advertises his own honor toy so selfishly with our national interest at a time of crisis.
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75-year old Texas rancher whose hand was caught in a gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.
Eventually the topic got around to Sarah Palin and her bid to be a heartbeat away from being President.
The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Palin is a post turtle.'
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was.
The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, it's a post turtle.'
The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain.
'You know she didn't get up there by herself, she doesn't belong up there, she doesn't know what to do while she is up there, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put her up there to begin with.'
John McFarland
Tongue scraper side-effects are the subject of this month's limerick competition. (Thanks to investigator Kristine Danowski for bring it to our attention.) To enter, compose an original limerick that illuminates the nature of this report...
This page answers the question:And that's what election strategies are all about. 45% of us, no way are we voting for a Republican candidate, because we really do believe in the values that drive the Democratic party (though we might vote for an independant). 45% of us, no way are we voting for a Democratic candidate, because we really do believe in the values that drive the Republican party (though we might vote for an independant). So, who we gonna swing and where?
What is the SMALLEST number of total votes that need to be switched from one candidate to another, and from which states, to affect the outcome of the election?
Thank you for volunteering to travel to Pennsylvania! We are delighted that you can volunteer in this historic movement to elect Barack Obama and Joe Biden to the White House...Think about doing this yourself.
Cheer up, Obama-ites. You’re overreacting. I’ll answer all your questions as long as you promise to take deep breaths into this nice paper bag.
Consider this parallel: Does anyone believe that if John McCain were president and had selected Governor Sarah Palin under the Twenty-fifty Amendment to fill a vacancy in the vice presidency, Congress would have confirmed her? Not likely. In fact, it is even less likely that McCain would have even attempted to do so, for he would have embarrassed himself.
While the Constitution does not expressly set forth qualifications for the vice-presidency, it strongly implies them --- and Palin falls short.
We are sending you this message because the situation in St. Paul is very grave and we're concerned that the real story is not being told by the mainstream media.There's more. I didn't see it on their site, but it's likely there.
Over the past few days, the heavily armed and extremely large police presence in St. Paul has intimidated, harrassed and provoked people; and, in a number of instances, the police have escalated situations when they used excessive force...
We are very concerned about what this all means about the right to protest, the right to assemble, and the right to have one's dissenting voice heard. We are worried about what it means about the growing militarization of our nation and the ongoing assault on the Constitution...
We urge you to call the Mayor of St. Paul right now...
Mayor Chris Coleman: 651-266-8510
And call your local media outlets to demand that they tell the real story of what's happening in St. Paul this week.