Monday, December 29, 2008
I spent the day at the Natural History Museum and now I'm convinced the creationists are right

Have I had so many Manhattans that I am in risk of getting cancer from the Maraschino cherries?
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Bestest Xmas gifts, 1

Friday, December 26, 2008
Hi-School Romance #23
Thursday, December 25, 2008
What did you leave out for Santa last night?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
happi happi, merri merri...
from yr ol' pal JuJu
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Be Nice to the Countries That Lend You Money
James Fallows re Gai Xiqing, who controlls 200 billion of China's 2,000 billion US dollars.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Barbaralee and Joe
Hello? The Public? Shakespeare In The Park? Joe's Pub? It's the man!
For the newyawkers in the peanut gallery, dig that this was WNYC TV.
Pratt steam whistles
On Friday evening V told us all about being at Pratt last New Year's Eve for the steam whistles. Count me in!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Dear Diary, 081221
D G6 A6Well! For all the hardships, haven't we seen some of our great good friends this last week? And didn't we get to see the Loser's Lounge do it's 15th anniversary Burt Bacharach tribute at Joe's Pub on Friday night!? Oh! Yes we did! Dr. D, Cuz Rochelle, Ginny, E, Cuz Kev, J - mwah!
What's new, pussycat? Whoa-oh
D G6 A6 D E E7
What's new, pussycat? Whoa-oh oh
Shame. And fruitcake.
And a week later you start wondering how you can get the tin out of the kitchen and the house without making your wife wonder, Hey, where's that fruitcake Craig sent?
Friday, December 19, 2008
Sock and awe
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Are html jokes funny?
Not Valid _ Jonathan Vingiano _ 2008. You need to view the source code for the page.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
WF - 158,891 - WooF
It's official: 44
Monday, December 15, 2008
Short to-do list
Commission Taliah Lempert to paint a portrait of mi bikeybianchi. I think I've pointed to T. Lampert's pictures before, but now I met her yesterday at the Flea and I'm thinking, Oh, Yes, Yes of course.

Just say no to a Christmas uke splurge - even this Richter at Fleamarket Music. (I just got a cramp looking at it again.)
Not to be a downer, but...
Anyway, gonna have a big ol' shoe toss.
a hero to all of us who have long wished...
courtesy the NYT: Shoe-Hurling Iraqi Becomes a Folk Hero
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Karen Dalton
Was listening this afternoon to the marvel that is WWOZ, heard a singer and song that pretty much mesmerized me, waited for the playlist, and that sent me scurrying to download Karen Dalton's In My Own Time (1971). Yow and double-yow and a sad ending.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
My Mario Valente chicly covered my Roberto BolaƱo
I have this beautiful Mario Valente herringbone thigh-length overcoat. Everyone comments on it. It's the nicest piece of clothing I own. TrĆØs chĆØre!
And, I think I've said before, I'm reading Roberto BolaƱo's The Savage Detectives, at the urging of Kansas Bunny, who himself is starting in on 2666 and went to see BolaƱo's translator, Natasha Wimmer, give a talk last week.

So. You know, there's this little scene early on in the first book of The Savage Detectives where Poet GarcĆa Madero is in a park and is daydreaming and gets a boner and then needs to move on and has to awkwardly deal with his physical state? Well, I'm on the R train Brooklyn bound, around Pacific, crowded, standing facing a line of people seated in front of me, and reading my TSD, in which at that very moment Luscious Skin is describing a very steamy and slap-happy encounter with Maria Font, when... Uh oh!
And that is how my Mario Valente chicly covered my Roberto BolaƱo.
Friday, December 12, 2008
not ashamed to confess...
related item espied elsewhere recently, The Three Fundamental Flaws of the Modern Toilet...
and on another topic entirely, farewell to the lass that inspired innumerable fantasies, mine as well as those of many, many others. Requiscat in Pace,
Ms Page...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
sometimes we all need a hand...
via the local fishwrap, some news about clerkdogs...
and lo and behold, clerkdogs does a pretty damn fine j - o - b of it...
OH, nearly forgot-
also from the pages of the local fishwrap's food section today:
(hey dere stumperino, lemme know if the flavour truly be dere!)
gift suggestion for the baker you love, Baked, from that bakery in Brooklyn's Red Hook neighborhood...
Money & the Arts in NY (Crain's)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Stumpster's Friday night of theremin love - be there
This Friday's ReSiDeNt show promises to be one of the most exotic and entertaining to date:
Michael Hearst (of One Ring Zero and Songs For Ice Cream Trucks) will perform original compositions on theremin and claviola along with fellow musians Ron Caswell and Ben Holmes (both of Slavic Soul Party), and Allyssa Lamb (of Las Rubias Del Norte).
Hallvardur Ćsgeirsson will perform music for LEMUR robots featuring Patrick O'Reilly-percussion, Anne Herzog - dorophone, Louise Danoise - cymbal and vocals with videos by Anne Herzog and Emmanuelle Page shot on Super8 camera.
Roy Vanegas will create a melancholy, ambient mix of beats accompanied by violin, mezzo-soprano, two guitars and the GuitarBot.
ReSiDeNt: New Works, New Instruments, New Artists
LEMUR, 461 Third Avenue, Brooklyn
Friday, December 12th
8 pm - 10 pm
$5 at the door
Monday, December 8, 2008
hiya keedz
from NPR, Fresh Air, today's show, lovely conversation about wine with two lovely people, link to show here..
our own T day celebration passed enjoyably, hoping you all had fine times with friends, family, maybe, if you really lucky, both.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Shameless promotion: Melon Ride, and oddness

My bottom crank is much better now, thank you
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Odetta's first album was released the year I was born.
It's also the year that John Barth published The Floating Opera and Allen Ginsberg published Howl. 18, 19 years later I was digging all three. Most especially Barth. But Ginsberg's books could fit in your back pocket.
It's the cars, stupid
Us? We drive a Mini Cooper S. Happy to pay up the cost per pound scale to get fun and far per gallon.
What's Dante Oblimov doing at facebook?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Nina Hagen splurge
Monday, December 1, 2008
Greenhorns and rye
Diversion: Tumbarumba
Tumbarumba is a frolic of intrusions—a conceptual artwork in the form of a Firefox extension. Tumbarumba hides stories—twelve new stories by outstanding authors—where you least expect to find them, turning your everyday web browsing into a strange journey. You can read more about how it works or just discover it for yourself by downloading it now and then browsing!Via Rhizome. The coinkydink is that I had lunch to day with Mellie Mel and an old acquaintance / sometimes colleague of Mel's, and we got to chatting about the old text adventure games (Colossal Cave!) and programming in Prolog and all that stuff. The stories never end.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Street Fighter: Janette Sadik-Khan
No chefs in my kitchen (and not much lamb offal, either)
Coinkydink, I've been thinking of Ms. Hazaan for a week or two, since Lorishki dove in to thin out the collection of cookbooks and magazines and recipes we've been gathering for the last nesarly 25 years. There's a lot of them. A couple hundred books, looks to me. There's 30 in the give-away pile.
Anyway, I've been thinking about M.H. because I (pretty uncharacteristically - must be the new age) asked myself, If I were going to pare it down to 5 books, which five would they be? I surprised myself by getting it down very quickly to 3 plus 1.
- Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything (1998);
- Deborah Madison's Vegitarian Cooking for Everybody (1997);
- Marcella Hazaan's The Classic Italian Cookbook (1973; my copy is the 1990 18th printing).
- James Beard's amazing and frightening American Cookery (1972).
The more things change...

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody
And while we're being thankful, maybe a little greenly thoughtful, too...
Meet Green Thing from Green Thing on Vimeo.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanksgiving week, dear diary

Saturday, November 22, 2008
The run on the bank

America's first city slicker

Bob & Johnny

Friday, November 21, 2008
People's President
"Despite the chaos, even the most dubious observers admitted that something “sublime” had occurred [...] There was no doubt that a new era of American democracy had begun. “It was the People’s day, and the People’s President, and the People would rule,” wrote Margaret Smith."Nice account of the "The trashing of the White House that was Andrew Jackson's inauguration", at The Smart Set.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
29 to 29: Double-shameless promotion!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ridge Shinn Applewood, woof
Yes, 100 seconds is long enough for me
I am the one on the right

How' it goin' you ask? MyTFine, I answer. The Cab S. is 25 days off the vine, and 17 or 18 days post press. MLF is sending out the occassional bubble. Dark and lovely. First racking some time around Christmas. Even been fiddlin with the first few label ideas. (Here. Here. Here. Here. There'll likely be a hundred or so before anything actually gets into a bottle.)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Who that man?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The look...
(Then, moments later, Lori says, Yes, I saw the clip, and she looked FABULOUS. )
Help yourself
From the digital collections of the NY Public Library. There's a peculiar series of tobacco cards there...
Friday, November 14, 2008
jess tryin' to keep m'hand in...
y otra vez, after yesterday's stint listening to The World on NPR, got some hot music related linky bit to share, story from yesterday on Spanish artist Buika, and a wee bit more from the NPR site on Concha Buika, and goodgoshallmighty, maybe really loosen up those pursestrings and buy more than one CD.
jessferdahalibut, you might consider bookmarking the NPR music page, lots and lots of worthwhile stuff available there. Experiencing some confusion here and now whilst trying to recall where yourstruly heard or read about Susan Tedeschi's new album, Back to the River, which sounds like something else we be adding to our shopping list. Damn, good thing it be payday...
Later that Same Day: extra added linky bonus from NPR site,
T-Bone Burnett plays DJ, c. 5.15.2008
Totally jaded

Sent via my thingy.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Now that's a nice holiday card
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Jam Pony custom MOTH - oh, I feel myself slipping...
John Francis walks the Earth
@ Ted, where it says:
For almost three decades, John Francis has been a planetwalker, traveling the globe by foot and sail with a message of environmental respect and responsibility (for 17 of those years without speaking). A funny, thoughtful talk with occasional banjo.I've always wanted to take a long, long walk. Stay with the talk to the end. There's a nice pay-off.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Big, big bird
What to read next?
“It is absolutely thrilling to see someone as young, as competent, and as gifted as Patrick Radden Keefe taking on the secret world in Washington. We need much more of this kind of work, and Keefe has made a brilliant start.”Seymour M. Hersh
Old Purchase classmate Michael Powell says John Kenneth Galbraith's The Great Crash, 1929.
“It is worth hoping,” Mr. Galbraith wrote, “that a history such as this will keep bright that immunizing memory for a little longer.”But first I have to finish Garrison Keillor's Liberty.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Nice rack!
Sent via my thingy.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Square toed in Brooklyn

Brooklyn is at the other end of the Fulton Ferry, and it is usually worth two cents to go there. It is dangerous to stay too long in Brooklyn, as there is no telling what might happen to you. Mr. HENRY WARD BEEOHER attends to the place andkeeps it from going to seed. He is said to be in the interest of the Union Ferry Comnpar; if it were not for that he would in all probability live on this side of the East River like other people. Somewhere or other about the place there is, or was an Opera House, without a great deal of opera...
Church, it ain't what it used to be
Sent via my thingy.
Tonight: Arjuna's Dilemma @ BAM
> Audio Preview Listen to clips from Arjuna's Dilemma. | > WNYC Pick of the Week WNYC host John Schaffer plays excerpts. |
> BAM Program Notes Arjuna's Dilemma in context. | > Bhagavad Gita A warrior-prince, an enlightened deity, and more. |
> Douglas J. Cuomo Sex and the City? Now with Bill Moyers? Read about Cuomo's unlikely other projects. | > On Translating the Bhagavad Gita Stephen Mitchell discusses his "musical" translation of the Bhagavad Gita. |
> Music-Theatre Group Arjuna's Dilemma is produced by this New York-based company. | > New York Times Article Peter Brook's epic The Mahabharata in the Harvey Theater inspired the set design of Arjuna's Dilemma. |
One BAM, not two. Shifting gears.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
introducing 44 and change.gov
change.gov, and there you'll find this announcement
What to do now?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
"Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast"
Would you like the President's book, signed, or unsigned?
USA Arts videos
Well, really, this is sad
Sucks. And they say this is becoming a residential neighborhood.
Sent via my thingy.
The long and winding road...
View Larger Map
Ah, thank you Bar Tano, Bellhouse, The Gate, Barbes and Cafe Steinhoff. What a glory to be with our neighbors last evening.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Skankjam - paper ballot
In general, though, biggest line I've ever seen at our polling place: up to the Avenue and down the block. Ran into a number of neighbors. Happy day. R reports that in the elementary school she teaches in, the student straw poll went 95% Obama. The neighborhood parents are raising their kids nicely.
Sent via my thingy.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Each if us, in our own lives, will have to accept the responsibility...
Where were you when Obama was elected President?
Party lines - Working Families Bam Bam
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Quickie reading check
And the last few days I have been reading my next president's first autobiographical book, Dreams from My Father. It's quite something to hear the young man Obama speak frankly about sex and drugs and rock and roll and race.
As I was looking for links to include in this post, I came across a number of sites claiming Obama did not write his book, etc. Reminded me a great deal of when I was in Hebrew school, must have been 1967 or 1968, and I had a music teacher who claimed and and demanded and railed on about the fact that the Beatles could not have written their songs. The music was too good, too prolific, for these yong, long haired goys to have written. It was a deeply racist, paranoid, generational claim, not based on any demonstrable fact. (The Gershwins? Of Course. The Beatles? Absurd.) Even at the age of 11 or 12 it was clear to me that this man (to whom my religious instruction was being entrusted) was mad. I hope that most people who read the trash thrown at Obama's book see things as clearly. (And, uh, I hope they read the book. )

Priming the pump
A Talk By Daniel Kahneman
At the Edge site. Amazing stuff. Text and video.
I'll give you an example of the kinds of experiments that people are doing now. You give people a pencil, and have them watch cartoons. First, they watch with a pencil in their mouths horizontally, and then with a pencil in their mouths sticking straight out. And they are rating how funny the cartoons are. Cartoons are a lot funnier if you have a pencil in your mouth horizontally, than if you have the pencil sticking straight out. Nothing has been mentioned about mood or anything else. You are creating a facial shape that is the shape of a smile, or more of a frowning shape. That influences emotions.
Get the frap out of town
...I propose the Starbucks theory of international economics. The higher the concentration of expensive, nautically themed, faux-Italian-branded Frappuccino joints in a country's financial capital, the more likely the country is to have suffered catastrophic financial losses.Will Your Recession Be Tall, Grande, or Venti?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Obama's name
Other days and nights we've heard kids break out into some sort of song using Obama's name - something way beyond my ability to follow.
Obama's face
I saw a bunch of kids drag their parents to the store windows, "Mommy, it's Barack!".
Southside - damned good cofffee
Conversations with America
Friday, October 31, 2008
Dying speeches I hope not to make on Wednesday
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Where to spend Nov 4... The Gate?

Where to spend Nov 4... Barbes?
We'll be showing election results all night on our big screen in the back room.
We assume it should be a joyful party, although we wrong last time. Very wrong.
Where to spend Nov. 4... Galapagos?
Maybe, Galapagos?
Tuesday, November 4th, 6pm $10
Obama Fabulous Galapagos Art Space
Election Party!
So what are we doing for election night?
So far - besides projecting the results live - we're deciding between a 14 piece orchestra and an over the top really really fun "Yes we Can-Can!" Can can night. Or both. And then of course we'll have our Brooklyn-famous Presidential kissing booth and since it will be such a fun night we'll have a 'doctor' here signing "absentee explanation notes" for those who will undoubtedly arrive late to work the next day. And - just to add an extra dose of fabulous splendor to the night - we think Santa will make a special appearance.
once tuesday gets past us...
re that palin person:
in Mc Cain's own words;
and revisiting a topic we mentioned hereabouts previously,
results from the East Bay Express' S. Palin Song Contest
& the submissions (be they audio, video, whatever...) here
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What I want to say but can't stay awake long enough to is, Now my 1986 is complete.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Vinous involvement

Ufta, went AWOL there for a few days while we immersed ourselves in winemaking and asthma.
Steal back your vote. Mine, too.

Friday, October 24, 2008
the weekend approacheth...
first off, a coupla things from the local fishwrap:
whoa. differences btwn page layout in the paper and some lazy ass web editor has the answers provided first in the page linked below
Test your economic meltdown IQ;
and be sure to visit D. Asmussen's Bad Reporter today.
via the wonder that is the clusterflock,
Crunking we can believe in.
and if ye were not already aware of this,
here's the NYT's endorsement of the democratic candidate
alongside recent column by M. Dowd, Moved by a Crescent.
lastly, for the moment at least, the Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009
Judge bans Mongols from wearing trademark logo
"If a Mongol is wearing a vest or jacket bearing the Mongols patch, that item is pursuant to seizure based on this order," said Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Welk.
It is believed to be the first case in the nation in which the government has sought to take control of a gang's identity - via its logo - through a court order.
Opie! Bam Bam!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
a handful of nuggets of linky goodness...
courtesy that marvel that is MetaFilter: Buy-ology Blue;
Umbrella Today?, by way of Bifurcated Rivets;
lovely slideshow via flickr;
How to Make Fougasse, thanks to C. Corrigan & his Parking Lot;
two words: whiskey river
Otay Spanky!
dat be enuf fa now....
Uke lust: Kepasa Little Mac
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Straining, straining...
David Sedaris is not undecided

"To put them [undecided voters] in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”
"To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked."
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
be very afraid...
courtesty the wee marvel that is Gordon Coale's weblog
early here on the left coast yet...
donuts for hope...
for some goshdarned crazy reason, great old tune been running constantly in my head since hangin' out the laundry early this Am, my memory of it coming from Frank Sinatra's version, tho' there be plenty of 'em out there, but the song itself, truly one of the great tunes of all time, All or Nothing at All...
some controversy brewing in a town familiar with same,
'Berkeley Big People' making locals go "ugh-ly!"...
in that article is mention of statue on S.F.'s Market St by
Stephen de Staebler, a piece yourstruly has ambled by & admired many a morning on our way to work oncet upon a time;
a picture of 'Angel" available within this page
Holy Boy!
dis seems a lot more like the version of that Sinatra tune me recalls so fondly, Xtra added linky bonus: Frankie Chords!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Elections: hacked versus flubbed

Zazzle fizzle
Result: Not ApprovedSkank. Will resubmit it as BAM BAM CATS. The underlying images are PD.
Policy Violations:
--- Incorporates the name or likeness of a current or former world leader or politician, or a local, regional, national or international leader, religious figurehead, or politician.
--- Parodies an underlying copyright or trademark including well recognized brands, logos, titles, or phrases.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Anyway, Socks I've never mentioned. He's been in the hood longer than we have, and you'll often see him shambling down the avenues and streets, a little slack-jawed, in and out of storefronts, offering up packages of cotton crew socks, white and black, always seeming a little shocked that you don't want to buy any. But this afternoon I was taking an espresso break in Colson's when Socks came in, offering his wares to both sides of the counter, and I do believe I witnessed a transaction involving Socks, one hipster counter guy, one pack of black crew (or maybe tube?), and four beautiful fresh baked croissant. Everybody happy.
The great adventure

Photo from the Academy of Achievement - A Museum of Living History.
What I talk about when I talk about coughing

So, I'm reading a section where Murakami's talking about what he thinks about when he's running, and it's very, very familiar to me. It's my good mode when I'm not actively involved in something useful (and maybe half the times when I am). My other mode is brooding (also known as thinking), and that usually sucks. To whit:
I'm often asked what I think about when I run. Usually the people who ask this have never run long distances themselves. I always ponder the question. What exactly do I think about when I', running? I don't have a clue.
On cold days I guess I think a little about how cold it is. And about the heat on hot days. When I'm sad I think a little about sadness. When I'm happy I think a little about happiness. As I mentioned before, random memories come to me too. And occasionally, hardly ever, really, I get an idea to use in a novel. But really, as I run, I don't think much of anything worth mentioning.
I just run. I run in a void. Or maybe I should put it the other way: I run in order to acquire a void...