Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Koskiousko and Gowanus top list of bad bridges, roads
Vendy, my mouth, she waters
Bikey buzzsaw nightmare

Turns out the DOT guy was just as concerned as I (the innocent bystander) was. I saw what was going on (and covertly snapped pics), and decided I'd wait by the bike in case it was a messenger's and he / she'd return soon. DOT guy was just following instructions to remove the dead pole, didn't want to see the bike get ripped off, and after removing the pole he placed the bike next to a safe pole and metal-strapped it to that pole. When I saw him do that I approached him and thanked him. Bikey's owner will have a heck of a time getting the strap off, but that's way better than losing the bike. (BikeMacho will have thought DOTMan shouldn't have taken the pole - maybe just told his boss No? Get real.)
De Blasio and Liu Win in N.Y. Democratic Runoffs

Money quote:
Me love WFP.The decisive showings by Mr. de Blasio and Mr. Liu were also a victory for the Working Families Party, the labor-backed group that endorsed both candidates and that mobilized its formidable field operation to turn out voters on a day when most polling sites were largely empty.
And both Mr. Liu and Mr. de Blasio, unlike their opponents, were vocal critics of Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s successful effort to persuade the City Council to amend the term limits law so he could run for a third term.
OK, now I can go back to wine making and navel gazing.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
No whining, NY Dems - get out there and vote for de Blasio in the run-off. Now!
Dear Steve,
Today is the runoff and I wanted to tell you why I believe Bill de Blasio is the best choice to be New York City’s next Public Advocate.
Throughout Bill’s eight years in the City Council, I have seen first-hand the leadership and dedication he will bring to the Public Advocate’s office. We worked together to increase access to food stamps for hungry New Yorkers and provide better resources for the homeless. I stood with Bill as part of the coalition he led to stop the Mayor from undemocratically extending term limits.
I have joined the New York Times, Citizens Union and many other prominent elected leaders in endorsing Bill because of his exceptional record of independence and integrity. I know without a doubt that Bill has the best temperament and record to be our next Public Advocate. Please join me in voting for Bill TODAY. New Yorkers need a Public Advocate who offers new solutions for the future of our City and to keep this vital office strong.
Polls are open across the City today from 6AM (now!) until 9PM tonight. To find your polling location, please visit Bill's website. I hope you will join me today in voting for Bill de Blasio for our next Public Advocate.
-Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum
Monday, September 28, 2009
Fake Steve's W. Safire RIP
Mos' wine time '09
Here's what's happened:
B&L have dropped out for the year due to moves & timing complications.
M&P.S. have dropped in for the year.
Don Jaime, el zorro plateado, is in the hen-house.
M&P.S. put have crushed of central valley Grenache, and are also working with some Syrah juice from Lodi, aiming at a Rhone blend.
S&L and P have crushed together a 70% Merlot, 20% Cab. S., 10% Petite Sirah thang. And also a small batch of Muscat Alexandria - their first foray into white. All central valley CA grapes.
Along side the new mess we still have all of the S&L and P North Fork Cab. S. from 2008, and a carboy of Sangiovese from 2007, and a case or two of bottled 2006 Zin / Alacante blend. Oh, looks like we're gonna have to have another Puttanesca party in 2010!
DIY hallucinogenic goggles
This post will describe how to construct a pair of goggles which can be used to induce geometric visual hallucinations via strobe light patterns. This tutorial should be accessible to anyone familiar with Arduino hacking, and I do not go into details of the electronics design. The effects are quite remarkable, and enjoyed by many.Peek-a-boo!
We Alone On Earth.

Sunday, September 27, 2009
The oldest living things in the world: benefit party

Tickets: $25
Available Here
Come out for an evening of music, trapeze, and entertainment featuring New York's indie-rock vaudevillians The LISPS, Dance performances by Jenny Rocha and her Painted Ladies, an Art Auction featuring works by the MacDowell Colony Felllows plus free Vodka Cocktails, Haircuts and free GRIMALDI'S Pizza. Hosted by Galapago's resident artist Olga of Olga and Bjorn!
Join us for this amazing evening of art and entertainment benefiting The Oldest Living Things in the World project. Internationally acclaimed artist Rachel Sussman has been researching, working with biologists, and traveling all over the world to find and photograph continuously living organisms 2,000 years old and older. Sussman, who is fiscally sponsored by the Brooklyn Arts Council, is endeavoring to raise funds for an expedition to the Antarctic Peninsula to photograph 5,000-year-old moss this winter.
Being Dead, Jim Crace
How's this for a first paragraph:
For old times' sake, the doctors of zoology had driven out of town that Thursday afternoon to make a final visit to the singing salt dunes at Baritone Bay. And to lay a ghost. They never made it back alive. They almost never made it back at all.
Sent via thingy.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Oh, the music references in Inherent Vice
Idaho be spamzilla'd

Feature Photography, National Portrait Gallery
Thursday, September 24, 2009
share the experience, vicariously....
and hey, can you say "Green Chile"?
sure, we knew you could...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
We got to see Oliver not hallucinate
Twenty120 in the age of opulance
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
ahhhhhh.... the lads...
truth is, the largest influence on my life, particularly in those formative days of yesterday, were these young fellows, John in particular. Would never have picked up drumsticks or guitar if it hadn't been for the fab four.
Something terrible is happening
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The last lick of Juju Pongo's Love Balm
About dinner: as a side I cooked up a half dozen tomatillos and a half dozen small yellow & green squash and a plum tomato, all with about a quarter of one wicked hot pepper - yellow and crinkly - that Lota picked up at the market on Sunday. Habenero-type-hot, but long-shaped. The market ladies didn't give it a name. I'll tell you what, after chopping that pepper, each time I put my hand in my back pocket the extra sensitive mucus cells around my sphincter started screaming, OK? Behind me, Satan Pepper! (Is that bad to say?)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Petty Theft Auto
Went to mon mini this morning to move her. Remember, when last we met, I had just recovered miraculously from a fevered (and ryed) evening and was ecstatic to snuggle the little darlin' into a spot up the block only six inches longer than she, bumper to bumper. Well, maybe in my euphoria I forgot to, uh, lock the doors? Anyway, this morning I got there at about 7 and I see that the driver's door is unlocked. But all looks fine inside. I start her up, squinch out, but half way down the block decide to pull over because I'm hearing too much road noise: let's check everything out.
I get out of the car, walk around the back, and there over on the curb... gee, a change-purse just like the one I keep in the car. Zactly like the one I keep in the car. I pick it up and it has a couple pennies in it. Road noise - yep, the passenger door's ajar. So..., maybe 2 people were in the car? No real reason for one person to enter at the driver door (the only one that would have been unlocked when I parked it) and exit through the passenger door - not to mention the contortions that would be necessary to do so. But the glove has everything in it, including the EZPass. (Note to self - double check that the registration is still in there. And both plates are still on.) Check the arm rest - and, gee, the change purse is missing. Freaky that I pulled over exactly where it was thrown away. Mini knew! Trunk looks fine, toolbag there, etc.
So, all in all, looks like a couple of bucks in quarters and maybe a few singles. I got off easy.
(The other three events of our car-owning history: 1986 Seattle, pink - once red - Volvo, fly window forced (y'all remember real fly windows?), door popped, rear shelf mounted speakers lifted; mid-90's Carrol Gardens, '94 Dodge Shadow, paint flaking from roof & hood, entered and used for a smoking party, lots of vegetable matter left in car but nothing taken; early 2000's, that same Shadow, now in Park Slope with less paint and no A/C, lifted by a couple of young teens with a stolen master key, desperately poor taste, and ruinous driving habits.)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Ju ju's in complete agreement with G.C. ...
damned tough enough to get back into the bloggin' thing! Been a rough couple of months here so we gonna take the New Yorker's advice and buy this book.
hola Esteban! hola Lori! be careful 'round those large arachnids, mos' specially in the water closet...
Then, yesterday morning, there was the giant, giant spider. As big as the hummingbird, OK? Here's the deal. You know the WC off our kitchen? It's so small I have a recurring fantasy that I stand up off the seat too quickly and gouge my eye out (always the right eye) on the hook screwed to the back of the door. And the door itself scrapes against the wood floor when you open and close it (because the floor swells from the leaks described some vague elsewhere). Sooo, in this tight little spot I in one fluid motion sat me down and dragged the eye-threatening door shut before me, and there along the chittering drag of the door and floor is a spider that would choke an ox. Yipes! Not sphincter-relaxing! So I start pushing the door back open and away from me and it's chitter-dragging the spider with it by some gnarly mash that first I think is web but then I realize must be crushed leg(s?). I bolt, clutching my pantaloons, and go about my business in other parts of the house.
A couple hours later, just before leaving the house, I steel my nerve and peek in the WC. Wolfgang has freed itself from the trap and laid it's massive body against the floor-molding stage-left of the toilet. I tell myself it is dead. I imagine how many scavenging insects of what size will be needed to carry it away. I realize there is nooo way I am going to directly involve myself with it's removal. But this morning, the carcass is gone. Lori hasn't said anything. I can only assume that crows or feral cats broke into the house and dragged the thing away.
Meanwhile, I'm thumb-typing this on thingy in the back yard, and... the hummingbird is back. It can only signify that Bill de Blasio will win the run-off and be our next Public Advocate, or I will never get to use the downstairs WC again. Keepin' my fingers crossed and remembering that God helps those who help themselves, I'm volunteering for the campaign.
Sent via thingy.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Oh, my: Mafia's new business: sinking nuclear waste at sea
The informant said the mafia had muscled in on the lucrative business of radioactive waste disposal. He said that instead of getting rid of the material safely, he blew up the vessel out at sea, off the Calabrian coast. He also says he was responsible for sinking two other ships containing toxic waste.From the always frightening Homeland Security Newswire. Why do I read it? (Yes, I'm asking me.) And did I mention that when P & I took that restorative bike-ride through Prospect Park yesterday afternoon, we stopped at the boathouse and while gazing at the milkweedy green, he stepped me through, again, the many many ways I had let myself be duped by the whole 9/11 whitewash?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Dear Diary (condensed), I am better now
Monday, September 14, 2009
Yes, David Cross is spanking Jonathan Ames

I was too slow to get my own camera out, and maybe too slack-jawed. This pic is from the faster shutter of chobotic. You sort of had to be there to get the full flavor. Nothing like a Brooklyn Book Fest. It could make a person want to read a book.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Brooklyn Book Festival
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Citizens Union endorses Bill de Blasio
Watchdog group Citizens Union joins the NYTimes, Mario Cuomo, Rev Al, Ed Koch and your Mom in endorsing Big Bill. Just a couple of days away. Giddyapp!
The city needs an advocate who can serve as an effective counter to a strong mayor and active council, as well as work collaboratively within government to bring about needed reform. De Blasio’s strong principled stances on issues of local and citywide importance, like his leadership on the term limits battle, his willingness to fight for causes that need a champion, as well as his collaborative, inclusive, consensus-building approach in the Council reflect his ability to play such a role. Though each of the other three candidates have compelling attributes that would serve the office well, it is de Blasio’s fresh perspective, thoughtful positions, varied set of skills and broad experience that make him CU’s preferred candidate.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sweetcheeks moves from Mazotti to Jalopy

The folks at both places are really great.
Rapha Gentlemen's Race
via bikehugger
Happy Nine Eleven Day?
Nice photos at the NYTimes: The World as of 9/10/01.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Robots retreat from 3rd Ave / B75
Due to economic considerations, we've been forced to close our space at 461 Third Avenue. It has become too expensive to maintain a space in the current economy.Ah, well, it's not all doom and gloom, and they explain, but sheesh!
Kids, get out there and support your local musical robots and robot builder / composers. They need us, and we need them.
And let me describe this block on third Ave for those of you who don't know it. On the East side there's Bar Tano (makes my elbow sore just thinking about it),
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
My Bro swears by these things

Monday, September 7, 2009
Thank you, Messrs Krugman and Lutes
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Reading Underground
I just about always read on the subway when I'm riding solo, but lately I'd thwart the curiosity of Ms. Mainland or The Reader over at The Subway Book Club because I've been making paper covers for my books: mostly to keep them from getting too bunged up in my bag, but also just to be a little more private in public.

Here are a couple still in their homey sheaths. On the left, Perlstein's Nixonland, in a cover made from an old interoffice envelope, turned inside out. On the right, the separately bound The Part about Archimboldi from Bolaño's 2666, made from the cover of some unwanted circular stuffed in our mailbox.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Blind Man's Colour The Warm Current's Pull
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Dante Paris coffin
How I saved $1,500 this afternoon
Of course... it was Dapper Dan (non ergo) that started me down this whole path to MORE, if I remember rightly. That and the damned white tires. They're on the Dutch Master...
Bird doo, grape skins, Labor Day
Well, we went on and on and back and forth. And it's great. Don't know if they're still there, but they were for three or four days. And, Man! they love the grapes in our arbor. Wrastling around up there and eating out the insides of the grapes and shitting up a huge gooey white & lavender storm. They were even taking the grapes out of the arbor and back to the crab-apple above our favorite bench and were eating and psychodelicdoodooing there, too.
Can't remember what I was going to say about Labor Day. Let's take the afternoon off and try to remember.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September, it comes, the Jamboree
September 11 & 12: Park Slope Bluegrass/Old-Time Jamboree @ Brooklyn Society for Ethical Culture. BSEC. Beeswax. Shampoo! Four strings six strings eight!