Sunday, September 20, 2009

The last lick of Juju Pongo's Love Balm

You know what? I lead a blessed life. Really, I do.
After dinner this evening, in the cooling down and in a long sleeved T and sweater, trucking along through Larry Sportello's disportings, about page 280, I had the last lick of the batch of Juju Pongo's Love Balm we started last April and uncorked in June. Yum-diddly-icious. On the rocks with a splash of fizzy. Time to start another batch. And another batch of anisette, while we're at it.

About dinner: as a side I cooked up a half dozen tomatillos and a half dozen small yellow & green squash and a plum tomato, all with about a quarter of one wicked hot pepper - yellow and crinkly - that Lota picked up at the market on Sunday. Habenero-type-hot, but long-shaped. The market ladies didn't give it a name. I'll tell you what, after chopping that pepper, each time I put my hand in my back pocket the extra sensitive mucus cells around my sphincter started screaming, OK? Behind me, Satan Pepper! (Is that bad to say?)

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