Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh, my: Mafia's new business: sinking nuclear waste at sea

Well, ain't this the darnedest thing.
The informant said the mafia had muscled in on the lucrative business of radioactive waste disposal. He said that instead of getting rid of the material safely, he blew up the vessel out at sea, off the Calabrian coast. He also says he was responsible for sinking two other ships containing toxic waste.
From the always frightening Homeland Security Newswire. Why do I read it? (Yes, I'm asking me.) And did I mention that when P & I took that restorative bike-ride through Prospect Park yesterday afternoon, we stopped at the boathouse and while gazing at the milkweedy green, he stepped me through, again, the many many ways I had let myself be duped by the whole 9/11 whitewash?

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