Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bikey buzzsaw nightmare

O, brothers and sisters. You lock your bikey tighty to the pole, u-lock and cable, but when you comes back the pole is gone... and where's your bikey!!!

Turns out the DOT guy was just as concerned as I (the innocent bystander) was. I saw what was going on (and covertly snapped pics), and decided I'd wait by the bike in case it was a messenger's and he / she'd return soon. DOT guy was just following instructions to remove the dead pole, didn't want to see the bike get ripped off, and after removing the pole he placed the bike next to a safe pole and metal-strapped it to that pole. When I saw him do that I approached him and thanked him. Bikey's owner will have a heck of a time getting the strap off, but that's way better than losing the bike. (BikeMacho will have thought DOTMan shouldn't have taken the pole - maybe just told his boss No? Get real.)

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